Greg is the Boss Man at Black Apple and has the Guinness World Record for the longest domestic road trip (United States). But, really, he’s been guerrilla marketing his entire life and it landed him here – in Digital Marketing Land.

The artist also known as “Rub,” he’s the greatest writer of all time. Not really, but we tell him that to keep him happy. He’s very good, though. He’s been a sports marketer, a journalist, an agency freak and more. He loves Guy Fieri more than any human should.

She bakes a mean-ass cake and never shares it with any of us. But we love her endlessly anyway. Lydia is our SEO queen (she knows more about search marketing and search engines than Serge from Google) and the anointed CMBO, Chief Maker Better Officer and Proofreader of LIfe. If it passes her inspection, it’s good to go (cause she hates everything–jk).