The Problem

One of the largest outdoor living retailers in the United States, Best in Backyards operates more than a half dozen locations throughout New York and Connecticut. They needed a system that was connected, effective and helped get eyeballs on their inventory – so they enlisted Black Apple Marketing.


Before we came on board, Best in Backyards was running pay-per-click (PPC) ads, and nothing else. It wasn’t working.

The Approach

We had a plan. We built a lead generation campaign using a messenger bot, with an offer to “design your dream backyard.” We created an interactive experience with homeowners in Connecticut and New York, so they could have fun designing their backyard with our client’s products.


Afterwards, we set up paid media campaigns (Facebook & Instagram) as well as a PPC campaign to drive traffic to the bot (which we housed on their site, as well as on their Facebook and Instagram profiles) and drove all of our inbound traffic to that offer. We successfully garnered thousands of leads from homeowners from the precise locations they serviced and next to each lead every product they were interested in, the budget they had, and a number, Facebook address, and email to reach them. Sales exploded and we generated more than $1 million in revenue from that single campaign – and we didn’t stop there.


We then used that list of leads and launched what many believe to be one of the greatest newsletters the Northeast has to offer. The business now has a personality funkier than your crazy aunt. With the right offer and emails in place, we were then in a position to build out Best in Backyards’ social media presence, dig into their SEO strategy, and develop a robust Facebook retargeting campaign.


Additionally, we added live customer support and also built upon existing PPC campaigns. They needed a foundation, and we provided that while continually refining their processes to be more efficient and keep the ball rolling downhill. Leads, leads, leads!


Under the Best in Backyards umbrella is Eastern Jungle Gym, a sister company that sells products within Best in Backyards stores. With a separate online presence from Best in Backyards, we had to get creative. And we sure as shit did.

The Results

With Eastern Jungle Gym, we took a similar but slightly modified approach; we added live customer support, redesigned their website (which was outdated and not optimized for conversions) and brought the company’s average order value up by 200%… But most importantly, we gave the brand a dynamic personality as well and began building and nurturing their list with real-time newsletters.


Eastern Jungle Gym swing sets are quite expensive, so we built a dedicated funnel and gamified the buying experience. The results were terrific.

This project was about elevating Eastern Jungle Gym’s online presence, building a brand identity and personality, and finding a way to increase sales through new channels without losing sight of their proud tradition and history.


Long story short: both Best in Backyards and Eastern Jungle Gym saw legitimate, game-changing results from Black Apple’s strategic marketing plan – and we’re still partners to this day.